Monday 27 July 2009

Manglish is Malaysian lah...

"What's the problem ler?"

"Today we got Math class arr"

"You online not tonight?"

"Why you not contact me lorr? I miss you leh"

"Don't play-play arr"

Above are few familiar sentences that we could hear everyday in our daily life as a Malysian - a Malay or Chinese, trying to speak in English (the Malaysian way, of course - Manglish). The words in the sentence are usually arranged according to the Malay Language grammar with an addition of few words at the end of the sentence, such as 'lah', 'maa', 'arr' and 'lorr'. There's a lot of debate regarding this issue, and it seems that this dispute is far from end.

For me, it is utterly amusing to hear those sentences being spoken everyday between my friends. Once, I have asked one of my Chinese friends why she didn't use proper English when conversing or writing a message on Facebook's walls to other Malaysian colleagues. She simply answered that she felt comfortable and fit-in with the others by using Manglish. I know that all of my friends are capable in writing and speaking excellent proper English. Otherwise, all of them would not be studying in respected higher education institutions all over the world. Thus, whenever I talk to my friends, I will also use Manglish because I do not want to sound like a pompous cow - trying to sound British or American when I'm actually 100% Malaysian!!

I, personally, am totally against anyone or any idea that criticize Manglish. If some people got the guts to say something against Manglish, why don't they criticize Americans for speaking American English and UK for using the Queen's English? I think it is common knowledge to all that both of these countries speak different versions of English. So, which community in this whole wide world that is using the most correct and accurate English? The Americans? Or The British?

In all, the purpose of me writing this entry is merely to approve the existence of Manglish. My TOK teacher once said that language defines us and therefore, Manglish is a symbol of unity among Malaysians. It is what makes us Malaysians. Don't you all realised? We have made our own version of English!! A splendid achievement!! So, be proud!!