Sunday 16 August 2009


The reason i'm writing this entry is that I accidentally came across a very attractive and appealing phrases. Here, I present you some of the phrases:

"Bloggers are the new journalists of this era". Ever heard of this phrase before?

Another one which sounds catchier- "Keyboards are mightier than swords". Now, this one I heard it the first time being said by our Minister of Home Affairs, Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Bin Tun Hussein.

These two phrases are very sweeping, and very revealing also. It is true that blogs have the power to influence and change other peoples way of thinking. Just look at Raja Petra's blog for instance. The government is so afraid of his entries in his blog, that they had to find him and wants him to be remain detained.

Hmm...but what makes a blog becomes succesful and popular? I know most of you veteran bloggers measure success and popular in terms of website traffic of your blog (the number of people who visit your blog, regardless by accident or on purpose..hehe ;p).

I think, if you want to be a successful blogger, you have to write something you enjoy and interested in. It doesn't matter whether you blog about the current condition of the political world or even write an entry about your day-to-day activity in your university. As long as you love writing about it, just proceed.

When you do something you enjoy, the ideas and passion will come through in your writing. And passion is what gives your writing the edge and an extra spark. It is that one special ingredient that captivates people and draws them to your blog. Plus, obviously, when you are passionate about something, you naturally will be good at it. Without even you realizing it, you'll be writing the things that you know, and giving people an even more compelling reason to read your blog.

So guys, what are you waiting for? Blog on!!

1 comment:

Ultraman Taro said...

You speak with ur mind,but u write with ur heart!And thus why the world has changed so much from writing!