Thursday 1 December 2011

Life goes on..

OSCEs have already finished last week. And with a short break of 4 days only, it's time to continue on the module with 3-weeks of SSC. I'll be doing an audit in a GP this time. Hope everything goes well!

Wednesday 15 June 2011


This is just a test. Not a real post. Trying to figure out how to blog using a blogspot app that I have just installed in my phone.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday 28 March 2011

Enjoy this lovely and breath-taking cover of 'Hold It Against Me' by one of the famous YouTube Sensation duo - Sam Tsui & Kurt Schneider!

I just love this song! Err... I mean their version of this song of course. Not the original one by Britney Spears. :D

Friday 11 February 2011


Next week is the final week of my SSC module. I'm doing my SSC on rheumatology and the deadline of submission for the case study is next week!

Here's an insight of how the specialty like - being a rheumatologist, your work comprised of clinics (about 3 times a week), ward rounds (seeing only about 3 patients at most) and mostly research and meetings. Plus, the only invasive procedure that you will perform on a patient is injecting steroids or other anti-rheumatic drugs for people who have joint problems. That's all!

People might say that the training to be a specialist in rheumatology would be difficult and demanding, but if you would like only a 9 to 5 job in a medical setting, not to mention the huge amount of pay when you're a consultant, this specialty is one of your best shots!

Some people might argue back to me that it is a boring specialty. Well, it entirely depends on you really. If you want to be a surgeon and working continuously from 8 am till 9 pm (depends on the complication of the surgery) for the rest of your medical career, and on top of that, conducting a really busy clinic the next day, then be my guest. No one is going to stop you. It's the interest that is of importance in choosing your career pathway.

And after the SSC has finished, it's OSCE come dawning at me. I will be having my OSCE on the 24th February, which means I have approximately 2 weeks to prepare. For those of you guys who do not know what OSCE is, it actually stands for Objective Structured Clinical Exams. In other words, it's actually a practical exam which will test the clinical skills that I have learned in hospital. It consists of various tasks such as physical examination, drugs prescription, consultation and even breaking bad news.

In essence, in the next 2 weeks, I'll have to finish writing up my SSC and then keep practice for my OSCE. So, yeah, it' s gonna be a whole lot practice and revision to do for me in the next two weeks!

Friday 7 January 2011

Egypt & Exams

I have definitely lost my momentum to continue with my studies and resume my routine bus trip to and from Wythenshawe Hospital after the holidays. Don't get me wrong. I still love medicine. It's just that, as an average student, being lazy and doing everything half-heartedly after a long holiday is just normal, I guess. Anyhow, I keep telling myself that I will surely get over this lazy attitude and gain back my momentum after the first week of school (hopefully).

Oh yeah! About my egypt trip. The trip to egypt was awesome! The weather was great, the foods were delicious, and the company was cool! Honestly, the experience that I had in Egypt has exceeded beyond my expectations. I thought it was gonna be a normal and a little bit dull trip. The only reason that I agree to join was that I am going there with my bestest buddies - Ili, Yas & Mayura. But, I have to admit, I was proved wrong by everything that I have gone through. Some of the highlights of the trip include the enourmous pyramids, breath-taking scenery at the beaches and definitely the 'shoe tragedy' at the peak of Mount Sinai.

After 8 days of exhilaration and fun in Egypt, with a heavy heart, we departed back home to Manchester and had to snap back to reality and slam our face back into our books! And of course that include FaceBOOK! :D

Memories in Egypt with my bestest friends and humouros guide will embed forever in my memory.