Friday 7 January 2011

Egypt & Exams

I have definitely lost my momentum to continue with my studies and resume my routine bus trip to and from Wythenshawe Hospital after the holidays. Don't get me wrong. I still love medicine. It's just that, as an average student, being lazy and doing everything half-heartedly after a long holiday is just normal, I guess. Anyhow, I keep telling myself that I will surely get over this lazy attitude and gain back my momentum after the first week of school (hopefully).

Oh yeah! About my egypt trip. The trip to egypt was awesome! The weather was great, the foods were delicious, and the company was cool! Honestly, the experience that I had in Egypt has exceeded beyond my expectations. I thought it was gonna be a normal and a little bit dull trip. The only reason that I agree to join was that I am going there with my bestest buddies - Ili, Yas & Mayura. But, I have to admit, I was proved wrong by everything that I have gone through. Some of the highlights of the trip include the enourmous pyramids, breath-taking scenery at the beaches and definitely the 'shoe tragedy' at the peak of Mount Sinai.

After 8 days of exhilaration and fun in Egypt, with a heavy heart, we departed back home to Manchester and had to snap back to reality and slam our face back into our books! And of course that include FaceBOOK! :D

Memories in Egypt with my bestest friends and humouros guide will embed forever in my memory.

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