Friday 23 January 2009

It's been a while...

Hi everyone!!!

Ok...i know....i know.... it has been a really long time since i posted anything on my blog. It's not surprising if some of you thought that my blog account has been deleted. Well, the thing is, i always intended to write something for my blog. However, my intention has always been brought to a halt by other important things i have to do (pbl notes, lecture notes, anatomy workbook, etc.). Prioritize is really important in my current situation. If not, i'll be left behind by all of my friends and have to act like a know what my pbl-mates are explaining during pbl session. For now, i'm glad all of that is over (at least for a while) and finally i have a relaxing time to write in my blog without distraction.

It is in my understanding that most of you guys out there have already finished your first ever exams in a university (including me). So, how was it? Mine was kinda okay. I mean, there were a few questions that i totally have no idea about it and don't even have a single clue on how to answer it. And there were also questions that i am really certain that my answers are correct. Overall, the my first semester test went quite well. My endless effort of studying till 3 am in the morning with my MP3 player, as my faithful companion was really worth it.

It really amazed me how time pass by so fast. Before you know it, you are already half-way through your first year here. A lot of things happened in the past few months in my life. MCOT (Malaysian Community of Old Trafford), the most prominent Malay organisation in Manchester has organized a lot of fun activities for its members. For instance, the Hari Raya Haji, Futsal, etc. But, the highly awaited event of the year is yet to come, The Manchester Games, which will be held in this February. Well, this event is not completely being planned by MCOT, as it also involves collaboration with MSSM and KUSMA. I dont mind about that because the most important thing is that Manchester will be the centre of meeting for Malaysians from all over parts of UK. This will be the most suitable time to develop friendship and an extensive network of new friends.

As exciting as Manchester could be, i still miss my beloved country Malaysia. Honestly, I cant wait to finish the other half of my course for this year and pack my stuff and board the flight to Malaysia. I miss Malaysia a lot, especially the foods. You cant get roti canai, nasi lemak and teh tarik in Manchester. All the foods that are in abundance quantity here are halal Pakistani foods,such as kebabs, lassi and milkshake. However, these dishes are not as good as Malaysian food. Come on!!! i want Malaysian food. I guess i cant do anything about it and have to bear with the foods here for another 5 months. I really envy some of my friends who got the chance to go back home in Malaysia during the winter. I was hoping that they would bring along some of the scrumptious delicacies from malaysia. However, things didn't turn out the way i expected it to be as they only showed up with packets of Berahim's and instant noodles..hahaha..

I guess that's all for now guys. I'll write again if i have any idea what to write about next time.

Peace out. Bye.


Fadzlina Shukri said...

it's like reading a SPM essay for english paper! hehe.. c'mon faiz. makan je ke ko ingat.. hehe.. neway sama la kte. aku sgt2 mngidam nak mkn kopok lekor. huuuu

loOkinoomz said...

ntahnyer, bleh bagi gred 7 nih. huhhuhu.. yeahhh..everyone is missing malaysia, even 2pakcik bangla i met here.. WE ALL LOVE MALAYSIA!! :))

Faiz Fauzi said...

leen: haha...dah tu aje yg aku trpikir...kat sini bkn dpt rs mknn msia pun...huhu..

maznah: rindu msia!!!

Azri Haris said...

sdey nye korg....naseb aku kt m'sia lg..kekeke....

JHaZ KiTaRo said...

beb.. i saw buff's pic dlm entry bawah.. kirim salam kat die.. by the way, nice blog.. :)

A m a l said...

aku sentiasa menyupport kau si bola swimming...