Saturday 17 October 2009

The Beginning of Something New

Semester 3 means less time for play, and more time for academic stuff. for medical students in Manchester. Neurology has always been the 'killer' subject for medical students (well, maybe not for some, but certainly most of us). A full block in second year has been allocated for this particular subject which means that this subject is really dead serious. Even the brightest minds may succumb to the amount of workload that have to be done for this semester.

However, not all are as bad as most people think. Within this semester, I am able to explore the wonders of the most important organ in our body - the brain. Have all of you ever wondered how a do we obtained memory capabilities? How even the slightest damage to your brain can cause your limbs to be paralyzed? Something to ponder upon.

Anyhow, I knew that I had long ago lost my way. People do make mistakes. and there is no more time to fooling around and wasting time. I must dedicate the rest of my life to righting my course of life. Now, the moment is fast approaching.

It is always darkest before the dawn. Stay strong.


afif ramlan said...

hoho...neuro happy i cleared it...hav fun la dude... hambar je blog ko nih...hahahaha...gurau jek...

Anonymous said...

ak tgk hg kat umah rilek ja..awat dlm blog pressure ja?

Faiz Fauzi said...

apip: tgh hv fun la ni..hehe
blog aku tgh baru2 lg ni...mmg la hambar skit.. =p

anonymous: hg tak slalu ada kat rumah..mcm mana nk nmpk aku study...hg jgn ingat aku tak tau sape hg...haha

2, banff road said...

hambar ar faiz! hahaha

persatuan rumah2 Banff Road said...

tah faiz.hambar la! ;p

aku yg bisa begini said...

faiz,jom calling2 skype mlm ni,hehe

loOkinoomz said...

it's almost one YEAR already..
shud it be considered as "baru2 lagi"...

well, all the best!
just say..

I LOVE Neuroscience! XD