Sunday 3 January 2010

Revision vs Nasi Lemak

There's nothing sexier than a man who is cooking delicious cuisine in a clean and organized kitchen. And that was what I just did last night. After a long day of revision, I finally decided to take a break by paying a visit to Al-Faruq house which is located not far away from my home. This decision was made abruptly by Icam and I that night. So, we set aside our mounting revision notes and headed towards Al-Faruq with our agenda in mind.

Al-Faruq's members consists of 4 'not-available' bachelors - Aizat (World), Kamal Arif, Khairul Anam and Shahridhwan Ping. All of them were present except for Ping who were on a business trip in Dublin. They greeted Icam and I very nicely and offered us the best hospitality that they could offer. After a few minutes of chit-chat, we told them our plan which they responded positively with arms wide open and hearts in agreement. Plus, Al-Faruq haven't had their dinner yet because there's no one on duty to cook that night.

Without wasting a second, Icam and I get to work - pronto! Our plan that night was to cook, but we don't mean to cook just anything. We wanted to cook the most difficult and tedious dishes of all in Malay's history - Nasi Lemak Lauk Ayam Goreng. Grateful that I had Icam by my side, I don't have to worry that our cooking would be a disaster.

Icam was responsible in making the 'sambal' and 'nasi lemak'. It was amazing to see how easy he made it look like. As if with just a swift of a hand, all of the main cooking were nearly done. I, on the other hand, was in charge in making 'telur dadar' and frying 'ikan bilis', ground nuts and the chicken. I know some of you guys might laugh when I stated about my part, but believe me, making a 'telur dadar' is not easy as it looks. You need extra care, patience, the exact precision and knows the right-timing to turn over the egg. It's a skillful work ,otherwise, your 'telur dadar' might fallen into pieces, loses it rounded shape and looks like scrambled eggs.

Icam - the cook with style (note the hat)

Me - showing off my skill to cook two dishes simultaneously

After about one and a half hour of cooking, our Nasi Lemak Lauk Ayam Goreng was finally completed. As soon as the recitation of 'doa makan' and saying thank you to Allah for his wonderful blessings is done, we ate together with a big appetite in our stomach.

Our version of Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng

A visit to Al-Faruq would not have been complete without playing FIFA 2010. For your information, their house is equipped with two large televisions and a Playstation 2 console. I know some of you guys would agree with me that their game console is kind of not up-to-date, but it still served it purpose very well. We competed against each other and tried to demonstrate our best skills in playing virtual football. To my surprise, Icam was not only good at cooking, but he was good in playing FIFA 2010 as well. I mean, he was extremely good because he trashed all of us that night!

After the feast - FIFA 2010

I know that if I stayed there any longer that night, the addiction to FIFA 2010 would not stop and we would spend the whole night playing continuously without flinch a bit. So, after bidding farewell and a thousand thanks to Al-Faruq's residence, I forced myself at 1 am to head back to my beloved home.


Fadzlina Shukri said...

salam. urm, bace ayat 1st ko tu bwat ak rasa nak tergelak. adakah ko cuba mengatakan ko sexy kerana ko yg memasak. adeyh la faiz...

Faiz Fauzi said...

leen: gurau je leen..lgpun aku bkn nk kata aku sorg lelaki yg sexy, kitorg masak ramai2 kot..jd kitorg semua ni sexy..haha :p

Yasirah said...

Haha you stole my line that men are sexy when they cook. Line stealer! anyway, congratulations of cooking delicious looking nasi lemak. *drools*

A m a l said...

aku sokong faiz..

u rock man!!!

Fadzlina Shukri said...

ok2.. u guys sexy.

Fadzlina Shukri said...

and gudluck for ur exam. bitaufik wannajah. =)

Faiz Fauzi said...

yas: trkantoi plak di situ yg i curi line u..haha..takpe2..nnti i byr royalty pd u ye =p

leen & amal: dah2...takyah gaduh2..
good luck & all the best in exams for the two of u.. =)