Sunday 18 April 2010

Holidays, SSC and Portfolio

Hi to all!!

I am finally in Manchester after a long trip in Spain for about a week. It is extremely tiring and I promised to myself not to do such a long trip ever again. You guys might have already knew that I was on a trip to Italy for about a week as well. Came back to Manchester for about 3 days to re-pack my stuff and then continue with my journey in Spain. Sounds crazy, huh? I think no one has ever matched a two weeks trip as I am. What a 'good' way to spend your three-weeks of Easter Holiday. And not to mention the money in my account as well.

In the garden of Al-Hambra, Spain

A lot of academic works was waiting to be completed by me. These works was supposed to be done during the Easter. But, as a 'normal and average student', I did what a 'normal and average student' does - procrastinate my work. Which ends up leaving me with a heavy burden to finish up all my work in a short period of time.

SSC is one of the tedious homework that I need to do. Luckily, this is a group work, so the tasks are divided among us and I only have to make sure that my part is done. I really hope that my group will do well in creating the poster and also during the presentation day.

Then, there's the portfolio. As a medical student in the UK, we are obliged to have a portfolio not only during our studies, but it will be continued until we are in the real settings of the medical field. Portfolio is a written record of what we have learned so far, any skills that we have performed and any memorable experience in the medical career. It actually helps us to assess our development from day one of medical school until we are retired. The problem is, I'm not the kind of person who likes to write and record any experiences that I had. Therefore, I had to write up all the things that I have learned the whole year in just 2 days!!

PBL can be set aside for a while. I haven't even open my PBL book after I got back from holiday. I think the other medical students, apart from the ones who are really nerd, are in the same situation as me. Everyone is focusing more on SSC because we need to submit it on 5th May.

In all, I made a promise to myself to not have a long two weeks of holiday in Europe again. One week is still OK, but two weeks is just too much. And never ever procrastinate my work again (Hmm..heard that sentence before).

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