Sunday 11 July 2010

What's Wrong With What I Ride?

When we have reached a certain age in adulthood, our mode of transportation is one of the most important matter in our life. Your choice of transportation is essential as people would perceive your financial status based on that (at least that's how Malaysian thinks). If you are still riding a motorbike in your twenties or thirties, people would think that you are broke and they would look down on you! I had my own episodes in this matter which I think suitably to be comprised of 3 parts as follows.

Lets start at the beginning, shall we?I could still vividly remember that when I was 10 years old, I wanted a bicycle! A bicycle with changeable gears! Not just the normal, cheap ones. But my father objected my wish because he said that I do not need a bicycle as my school was only a mere 5 minutes walk from my home. Hey, I was a kid back then and didn't really understand about the things that I want and the things that I need. I made a deal with my dad, that if I were first in class again in the exams, he would buy it for me. In the end, I won the deal and my father had to buy it for me. I felt really satisfied and happy and continue wandering of throughout my 'kampung' with pride on the first day I got that bike. Really, I admit that I was a big ass show off back then!

Then, when I reached the age of 16, the craze for motorbike started. Well, this fanatic for motorbike didn't really hit me, most probably because I entered a boarding school. Being stranded in exile, away from this 'pointless influence'. Thus, I can see it in my brother and some of my friends who study in daily schools. The obsession of wanting a Yamaha or Honda motorbike was a priority, other than academic achievements of course. If you had a Modenas or Egos motorbike, you just barely make it to the par because your country-made motorbike is regarded as 'second class'. The more expensive it is, the more look-of-awe that you'll get! Whats even worst is that if you were still riding a bicycle to school, you could be mocked or teased by those idiot people. And having a 'first class' motorbike is also considered a 'tool' to catch some high school 'chicks', (Takkan nak ajak awek jalan2 naik motor kapcai aje kot? Tak hingin i! :p)

The final part of this ridiculous transition is when you have reached your early twenties. Then, the desire to have a car mounted up within you. You will then tell your parents that you feel as if you are getting tired of riding a motorbike. You will use excuses such as the weather is always rainy and your college or university is too far to be reached by a motorbike. With a puppy-lost look face, begging and hoping that your parents will agree on buying a car for you. But the irony thing about this part of transition is that the first choice of car would be the one made in Malaysia such as Kancil or MyVi, with the latter being the one most sought for. Not the Japan-made or Germany-made vehicles as before. Obviously because of the price of course. Then, the funniest thing about this part is that you will be filled with pride with your 'own' car and upload pictures in your Facebook the trips that you have done with 'your' car and posed with various styles to show the world that you now have owned a car. Even though the real fact is that the car that you are driving is under your father's name, haven't finished paying the installments and you still asking money from your mom to fill up the petrol. That is the reality and I do think some of you out there might dislike me for stating the real context here. Bummer, huh? Oh! and another thing, no doubt having a car will act as a 'magnet' to attract all those college and university chicks because now you look macho in a car to attend an event, rather than riding a motorbike soaked in rain.

In all, I would agree that having a vehicle is important to commute from your home to your workplace or university. But, it must come and be used with modesty and do not ever ostentatiously drive your car in front of your friends filled with pride and obnoxiousness because it is not you who pays up the installment of that car which does not make it your car. Yes, that is the fact! If you really wanna do that kind of act, just wait till you get your own job and source of income. Then we'll see the real car that you really capable of using. Adios!

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