Tuesday 29 June 2010

No Operation For Me

As some of you guys might have already know, I was about to undergo an operation on my right knee. I had injured and tore my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in a rugby match during my years back in KMB. It is painless for most of the time but succumb to the fact that I can't play any rough sports due to this injury is something that is difficult for me to take. And for me to regain full recovery and strength, I need to have that surgery.

But, guess what? Yeah, you're right if your guess is based on the title of this entry. It got cancelled!

Why you ask?

The answer lies on the specialists. There are only four orthopedics specialist in the hospital and believe it or not, they are all fully booked till August. I was surely in a dismay state at that time and tried to plea if I could ft in any slot for the surgery. But my effort came to no avail. There was even this one specialist, he even opened up his diary in front of me to prove that he has at least 2 surgeries to be done each day till August. If I really wanna have the surgery, I need to stay back till August and extend my summer holiday till September. That is something I can't afford to do.

Another thing is that the doctors explained to me that my injury is not an emergency case. Which means that they will hold me back to give priority for the most needy ones. Get in the queue lad!!

I would have the surgery if I were to stay here till September, but that's not gonna happen because I will be leaving Malaysia quite early this year as my clinical classes will commence on the 1st of September.

I have thought of getting the surgery in a private hospital, but the doctor said that it would cost about RM6000 in total. My parents would surely stand against that idea as we are really tight in our expenditure for that kind of amount.

Then, the final resort would be having the surgery back in Manchester. UK has a really good welfare system for students because I don't have to pay a single penny if I have my surgery there. All of it will be taken care by the National Health Service. Sounds great, huh? Only the problem is, I'm not sure where I could fit in the time for surgery and recovery as my timetable would be really packed for next term. Bear in mind, starting from next term, I will be having my clinical studies in South Manchester Hospital from 9 to 5 for most of the day. Even commuting from my home to the hospital would take about 40 minutes one way. Will I have the time for the surgery then?

I am in a complete state of nothingness right now. I guess it's another year of 'sport-less' for me then. No intense running. No tackling. No kicking. Well, i could do for a jog, but that just wouldn't cut it. My closest friends sure knows how much I like to have my adrenaline and blood rushing through sports. Let's just hope that next year will fly past really fast and all goes well, shall we?


Afham said...

Salam Faiz.
Lama sungguh tak kedengaran khabarmu. amacam?

Dulu di KMB, walaupun lutut ko cedera, selalu aja melawat bilik aku yer~~~ owh kenangan meratah kerepek bersamamu.

balik msia ker?

Faiz Fauzi said...

Salam ee!

sorry lmbt reply. aku kat rumah nii. jd susah skit nk online..hehe

iye aku pun masih ingat di saat meratah kerepek kat bilik ko dgn fakhrul. lupa entah sape punye kerepek smpai dah nk abes aku mkn..haha

aku dah kat msia sebulan lbh da ni. bln dpn br balik. ko mcm mana plak skrg?