Monday 7 June 2010

Finally, I'm Home

It has been 3 days since the moment I step my foot back in my beloved home. I finally got to fulfill my cravings for a 'roti canai' in a mamak stall for breakfast, eat my mum's cookings and assimilate with the hot and humid weather of Malaysia. Probably, if I'm lucky enough, I'll get tan a little bit. So far, so good.

As it is also a time for school holidays, a lot of wedding ceremonial events are taking place and many invitations needs to be attend. In my large family, two of my closest cousins are not going to miss this opportunity as they will be getting married and lead on a more prosperous life with their new spouses. Well, I have actually missed one of them because I was still in Manchester. Guess there's only one left and it looks like I have lend a hand in helping the preparation.

I am aware that in my comfortable state at home, there are still lots of my friends who are still struggling doing revisions and practicing for their exams. Honestly, there are some feelings and desire inside of me to upload some nice and tasty pictures of me in Malaysia that would make them jealous. But, I keep refraining myself from doing that to avoid from any harm that would effect them mentally (nasib baik korg - apip dgn klone :p)

And not to forget for the person who will be having the biggest exam in the year. All the best and may Allah help you in answering all the exams questions that will be asked to you. Good luck!!

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