Friday 21 May 2010

How Things Are So Far

It's pretty weird why I always have the urge and idea to write an entry in my blog whenever I am doing my revisions at the University Place. Well, here I am, rummaging through my books, feeling lethargic and it's like my mind can't take in anymore information. I need a rest for a while now. Besides, our brain can't work non-stop and need some rest to re-energize. Even machines would eventually break down if it is being use continously.

So far, my academic life here has gone as 'normally' as a student should have. Exams are only making things worst. I'm not blaming the exams because I know exams are important to assess what we have learned so far. But due to the amount of workload and pressure from sponsor that is mounting up, I need to get hold of myself and face the upcoming exams, prepared. I have just finished one paper of my semester exams, which means there will be another more paper and one oral presentation. Hope everything goes well and I won't startle too much during the presentation.

Another thing is that I think I have become an 'outcast' here in Manchester. It's not because I have done something wrong or anything bad. It's just that I have been spending too much time alone (sometimes being accompanied) in my room or my 'private study room' for revisions which kinda isolates me from my other friends. I usually rejects any offers to play sports and to hang around with my friends. I even barely see any sunshine nowadays!!

Honestly, I can't wait for the summer holidays to come!! I will be flying back home to Malaysia on the 3th of June and spend a relaxing 2 months of holidays there. Lots of trips and meetings have been planned before hand for the whole study-free holidays. One thing for sure is that I'm going to meet most of my schoolmates, friends from college and the special person in my life. We are gonna have a blast!! And there's nothing more that I could ask for than that. :)

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